Enero 13, 2024
Our Brookfield Residential (BR) CNWS Project Team wishes you a happy new year and is excited to continue to engage with the Concord community in 2025! Over the past month, our team hosted a community Virtual Open House for participants to hear from our team and provide feedback on the CNWS project.
In Case You Missed It!
December 12 CNWS Community Virtual Open House:
On Thursday, December 12, 2024, our team hosted the first CNWS Virtual Open House on Zoom from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. We thank everyone who attended, provided feedback and asked questions during the event. This feedback is essential to the project’s success.
During the event, we asked participants to rank project topics of interest and provide feedback on their preferred days/times for future CNWS events. Attendees shared that their top ranked project topics include public benefits, traffic and site connectivity, affordable housing and job creation. We will continue to capture feedback on project topics during 2025 engagement.
Couldn’t attend the Virtual Open House? No problem! We will be hosting additional opportunities this year for you to engage with our Project Team and provide feedback and ask questions about the project. Look for details on our Project Webpage and Eblasts!
You can view the informational poster boards from the first Virtual Open House on our Project Webpage. To view a recording of the December 12 Virtual Open House presentation, click here. We will be sharing a document responding to questions we were unable to get to during the Virtual Open House on our project webpage. To stay informed about the latest project developments and future events, visit ConcordBPproject.com and subscribe to receive project updates by visiting the Connect With Us section.
Nos gustaría escuchar su opinión. Puede enviar un correo electrónico a nuestro equipo de proyectos a [email protected] o llamarnos al 925-430-7378.
Envíenos un correo electrónico o llámenos para recibir información sobre el proyecto y materiales en su idioma.
Comercios de Concord: Brookfield se compromete a apoyar los negocios locales. Si usted tiene un espacio para eventos locales, o su negocio tiene un servicio o producto que le gustaría que consideremos para un evento futuro, por favor envíenos su contacto al correo electrónico de arriba. Nos encantaría escuchar de usted.